Anapop V1.0 - Another techfreakz net-stalking tool.

Remote surveillance and espionage has been raised to a higher level thanks to the power of data mining and the internet! Marvel, be awed, and FEAR the invasion of your privacy! FEAR the information we posess about YOU and YOUR FAMILY based on the digital debris YOU leave behind on .... the I-N-T-E-R-N-E-T! 

Anapop displays a graphical chart of the amount of time a users is logged in through the course of one month- to within 15 minute resolution. With this information one can make general assumptions about the person's sleeping, eating, and living habits.

How it works:
. Often, users' will set mail reader clients (such as Eudora or Netscape) to automatically check their pop mail boxes every few minutes. Since this is an automated function, we can assume that when the user is logged in, the mail client is checking their mail accounts continuously. Anapop derives the information by filtering out unix log files and displaying pop3 requests in a graphical chart.

Anapop is currently beta. See a working example click on Inspector Clouseau! -->

Warning: Do to the current output format, Anapop has a tendency to completely trash browsers running on low powered computers (100 MHz or lower or 16 MB RAM or less) Users who access Anapop using a slow system, may need to wait a long time or forever, before regaining control of their browser.

The source
Source + 2 gif files (anapop.tgz 1.36KB)
Just the code (anapop 2.45K)
